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SubjectRe: Some thoughts about cache and swap
Christian Borntraeger wrote:
> John Bradford wrote:
>>Quote from Rik van Riel <>:
>>>I wonder if we should just bite the bullet and implement
>>>LIRS, ARC or CART for Linux. These replacement algorithms
>>>should pretty much detect by themselves which pages are
>>>being used again (within a reasonable time) and which pages
>>Is there really much performance to be gained from tuning the 'limited'
>>cache space, or will it just hurt as many or more systems than it helps?
> Thats a very good question.
> Most of the time the current algorithm works quite well.
> On the other hand, I definitely know what people mean when they complain
> about cachingand all this stuff. By just copying a big file that I dont use
> afterwards or watching an video I have 2 wonderful scenarios. The cache is
> filled with useless information and big parts of KDE are neither in memory
> nor in cache. Applications could use madvice or other things to indicate
> that they dont need this file a second time, but they usually dont.
> I think it might be interesting to have some kind of benchmark, similiar to
> the interactive benchmark of Con that just triggers the workload so many
> people are complaining. If I find the time, I will give it a try in the
> next days.

You might find my response test program useful. My web server is in
three pieces at the moment, but has a
copy. You might want to do your own, but mine does show the results of
i/o pushing out programs.

-bill davidsen (
"The secret to procrastination is to put things off until the
last possible moment - but no longer" -me
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