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SubjectRe: Collapse ext2 and 3 please
That could be a problem. How do I check its configuration?


Philip R. Auld wrote:
> Rumor has it that on Fri, Jun 25, 2004 at 07:50:42AM -0400 David van Hoose said:
>>yeah.. Really. Here's what I do.
>>I have ext3 partitions, so I decided if they are different partitions,
>>then I can compile my kernel with ext2 as a module and ext3 builtin.
>>So I do it and reboot. Panic! Reason? Cannot find filesystem for the
>>root partition.
>>The error is in the kernel itself either way. Pick your reason.
>>1) ext3 is identified as ext2 on bootup.
>>2) There is no fallback to ext3 if ext2 is not found.
>>I'll check this again to be sure on a 2.6 kernel later today, but as far
>>as 2.4 is concerned my kernel panics.
> Make sure any initrd you are using is not ext2 based.
> Cheers,
> Phil
>>PS. Shut up with the cheap insults. I have empirical evidence supporting
>>my claim. Meaning there exists a bug somewhere.
>>Christoph Hellwig wrote:
>>>On Fri, Jun 25, 2004 at 07:30:40AM -0400, David van Hoose wrote:
>>>>If ext2 and ext3 are different filesystems, why does my kernel panic if
>>>>I include ext3 in the kernel make ext2 a module?
>>>My kernel doesn't, must be a problem in front of the computer.
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