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SubjectRe: Elastic Quota File System (EQFS)

>>A better option in this case is to reduce the default size of Mozilla's
>>cache or expand the size of the quota for each user to deal with the added
>>space requirements.
>>If you are concerned about disk usage from caches, you can always create
>>a script that removes the cache(s) when the user logs out.
>That's not the right thing.. that way you loose caching effects around
>logins even when there's plenty of space.
>There's quite a lot of data -- at least on my systems -- that can be
>removed with "only" loss of performance...
>1) browser caches
>2) package lists, downloaded packages
>3) object files
>heck, if you know you have reliable network connection 4), you could
>even mark stuff like /usr/bin/mozilla elastic, and re-install it from
>the network when it is needed... Doing anything more complex than 1)
>requires extensive changes all around the kernel and userland, and
>you'd probably not call that system unix any more.
All the suggested benefits listed above could easily be implemented in a
script. For instance, one could design a script that checks the amount
of disk space at logout. If the amount of disk space remaining is less
than X (where X is value predefined by an administrator), the script
could _suggest_ that corrective action be taken and allow the *user* to
_decide_ what he/she wants to delete/move.

In a workstation environment, my honest opinion is that quota's are set
entirely too low if you're running that close to your limit. On a
server, I do not see deleting files at the decision of the OS, to be
beneficial. Nor do I see any reason to develop the suggested FS to
implement what should be taken care of by a knowledgeable administrator.

The idea of an elastic file system is interesting until you start
considering how it would be implemented and what affects it would have
in a production environment.

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