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SubjectRe: MM patches (was Re: why swap at all?)
On Saturday 29 May 2004 10:40, Nick Piggin wrote:

> It is a cocktail of cleanups, simplification, and enhancements. The
> main ones that applie here is my split active lists patch (search
> archives for details), and explicit use-once logic.

I didn't have time to personally test it but just want to share some thoughts.
This kind of improvement is absolutely necessary for 2.6 to be usefull on the
desktop. It continues to escape me how come that this kind of, almost, bugfix
arrives so late during stable period.

Unfortunately it doesn't apply on top of Con's autoregulate swappines (AM from
now on) which I am currently testing. AM also does an excellent job in
preventing swap trashing while doing a lot of filesystem reading.

I am curious on how does your patch technically relates to Con's AM, and is it
possible to merge the two? I know that they do their job on completely
different ways, so the real question would be: Is there a need for something
like AM if using your patch, or it completely obsoletes it?

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