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SubjectRe: keyboard problem with 2.6.6
On Sun, May 30, 2004 at 01:25:24PM +0200, Sau Dan Lee wrote:

> Vojtech> Well, keyboard support was always in the kernel
> Once in kernel space, forever in kernel space? What's the logic?
> Where it is now possible to move it out of kernel space WITHOUT
> performance problems, why not move it out?

Because it just works.

1) Upgrading the kernel will make your keyboard stop working. Noone has
installed your userspace daemons on the system.

2) The keyboard (and other input devices, so that you don't complain
about limiting this to the keyboard) should work without requiring
userspace to be running.

And, it works just fine in the kernel, doesn't take up any more space
than as a program, so why to move it out?

> Vojtech> - you need it there, because you need the keyboard
> Vojtech> always to work
> Then, why make 'i8042' and 'atkbd' modules? I still remember reading
> web pages that early pioneers who migrated from 2.4 to 2.6.0-test*
> encountered a problem: they didn't compile-in these modules, and hence
> the system boot up without a responding keyboard. Despite that, the
> system does work and daemons are running!
> So, why is a the keyboard need to always work?

This is getting really annoying. Let me rephrase it again:

I don't have a keyboard on every of my systems. But when I have it and I
have the driver running, I expect it to work. Regardless of what
happened to the system. Regardless of userspace programs dying. Just

> I've been testing 'i8042' module and my atkbd driver (and the
> SERIO_USERDEV patch) through the network. I've been doing 'rmmod
> i8042' many many times. The system DOES work without that module (and
> keyboard functionality). Why are you saying that "you need the
> keyboard always to work"? Again, is that the limit of your
> imagination?

Yes. The system doesn't need the keyboard drivers to function. The user

> Are you aware of the i8042_shutdown bug, which I discovered and fixed?
> How could I have found such a bug, if "keyboard has to always work"?

Thanks for the fix.

> And how about mouse drivers? They used to be in userland (gpm,
> XFree86 3.x -- 4.x, etc.) Why move it into the kernel?

You wanted to use a mouse click to dump registers?

> Vojtech> I meant that keyboard handling was never done in
> Vojtech> userspace.
> OK. Then, it's time to consider moving it to userspace.

I'm not interested.

I'd have an interesting idea for you, though: If you want moving stuff
to userspace, move the whole console there. The font handling, the
keymap handling, colors, resolution, all that.

Just a simple program that uses the evdev interface to get the keyboard
data for input, the fbdev interface for output, and the pty interface to
communicate with the system.

Now *that* would be a great project moving stuff to userspace.

> Vojtech> Of course it is modular now, but that still counts as 'in
> Vojtech> the kernel'.
> How about my atkbd.c?

It's in userspace. It's not running in the kernel space. It's subject to
the scheduler and swapping. It doesn't react to interrupts immediately.
I think that's quite clear.

> Vojtech> ;) On embedded systems, or when you have an USB
> Vojtech> keyboard, you can leave the whole PS/2 stuff out.
> Is it impossible to run daemons driving the keyboard (my atkbd.c,
> should be invoked from inittab) and mouse (e.g. gpm) on embedded
> systems? I mean, why MUST the keyboard and mouse drivers be in kernel
> space?

Of course it's possible. There is not much that'd be impossible in
operating systems. It's not convenient, that's all.

> Vojtech> But still, if you have a working keyboard, the handling
> Vojtech> is done in the kernel, and you can do a register dump,
> Vojtech> process listing, etc, even when the system is
> Vojtech> crashed.
> Why just the keyboard? For that purpose, we can use mouse buttons,
> the power button, a joystick button, or even a home-brewed button
> connected to the RS232 port or parallel port. Why *limit* that to the
> keyboard?

Use whatever device you wish. I don't restrict you to just the keyboard.
The above argument works for a mouse, for a joystick, for an infrared
remote all the same.

> Vojtech> You wouldn't be able to do that if the processing of the
> Vojtech> byte stream was done in an userspace program.
> Isn't it possible to monitor the kernel via a tty connected to the
> serial line?

It is. Surprise, the SAK and SysRq handling for that is done
_in_the_kernel_, because it doesn't want to depend on userspace.

> Vojtech> - even in the case of a crash, when all userspace
> Vojtech> programs may already be dead.
> >> There are still RS232 ports and the network.
> Vojtech> Sure. How convenient it is to have to find an RS232
> Vojtech> cable, when your keyboard is just next to you on the
> Vojtech> table?
> The keyboard should be made an *option*, not a *requirement* for that.
> As an optional feature, yo shouldn't assume it for granted.

It IS an option, not a requirement. But I WANT THE OPTION. If the
keyboard handling is in userspace, I don't have the option of pressing a
key combination and getting a register dump, because the daemon doing
the processing may be dead already.

> Vojtech> It can. But if your userspace is dead, you cannot run
> Vojtech> that program. And that's usually when you need sysrq.
> So, why limit that to the keyboard only? Why can't my LED lid switch
> do it?

Go ahead. It's just a matter of adding a few lines to the ACPI drivers,
registering the lid switch as an input device.

> >> Is that "improvement" significant for 1200 baud devices? Even
> >> on a 386DX-33?
> Vojtech> Yes. Very much significant. Exactly because they're
> Vojtech> running at 1200 baud, you need get most of that little
> Vojtech> data they're sending to you.
> I don't understand this. The slower a device is, the lesser is the
> need to handle the incoming data in kernel space. I can't understand
> how 1200baud is fast enough to cause significant delays. Maybe, you
> can enlighten me on that?

> Yeah. At what rate are they arriving? 1200baud. Let's say that'
> 9600bps. So, 1200 bytes per second. 1 byte in every 833
> microseconds. How come a processor at 33MHz (0.030 microseconds per
> clock cycle) cannot cope with that? Assuming that the processing of
> the data plus context switching plus other overhead taks 1000
> microseconds, that still shouldn't be felt by a HUMAN user. Who has a
> reaction time of less than 100 _milli_seconds?

Can you say swap?

> Vojtech> Yes, it does. Because it uses the _kernel_ input system
> Vojtech> to do the interfacing work. But I don't see any benefit
> Vojtech> of having to go to userspace and back again into the
> Vojtech> kernel.
> Flexibility. The keyboard driver can talk to another machine via a
> TCP connection, for instance. The keyboard driver can be easily
> modified and debugged -- all in user space -- without hanging the
> kernel due to stupid bugs (e.g. NULL pointers). The keyboard driver
> could be prototyped in Perl, C++, or any other high-level languages.
> (It'd be possible to design a specific language to make it easier to
> describe the state machine, than in a general purpose language like C,
> making it possible to less programming-proficient users to change the
> keyboard behaviours.)

Go play with microkernel systems. You'll meet people with similar views
there. Linux is not a microkernel, though.

> Vojtech> Care to name any? Everything from raw SCSI handling to
> Vojtech> presenting files to processes is done in the
> Vojtech> kernel.
> So, raw access is still available, just in case the kernel code
> developers' imaginations are exceeded in some applications.

Yes, and it's good. And I don't object to having raw access available. I
really don't. I just want to have it done in a sane way that doesn't
conflict with the kernel drivers. Like in SCSI.

> Vojtech> Good argument. There are limits of what makes sense to do
> Vojtech> in the kernel. Ghostscript is easier to do in userspace,
> Vojtech> because it needs access to fonts, has a nontrivial
> Vojtech> configuration, isn't time critical, etc. Good candidate
> Vojtech> for userspace.
> Keyboard and mouse drivers are also easier to do in userspace, because
> that makes access to keymaps, mouse protocol modules, etc. easier.
> Neither do I think keyboard/mouse drivers are time critical enough to
> be absolutely placed in kernel space. Human beings do not work in
> units of milliseconds.

The keyboard and mouse drivers don't handle keymaps. Those are handled
in the console. The keyboard/mouse drivers are not necessarily _time_
critical, but they're critical. When your keyboard stops working, this
often means your system is dead. (Think a laptop on an airplane.)

Vojtech Pavlik
SuSE Labs, SuSE CR
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