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SubjectRe: two patches - request for comments
On Fri, 28 May 2004 15:10:06 -0700
Greg KH <> wrote:

> - you create the DEVICE_ATTR macro, why not use the one already
> created for you (CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR will work I think.)
Because it would involve unneeded extra garbage into data segment. See:

CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(_name,_mode,_show,_store) is:
struct class_device_attribute class_device_attr_##_name = {

{ ... }

This way, I cannot use CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR for things like:

static struct class_device_attribute bl_class_device_attributes[] = {

Instead, I must declare it this way:


and after that:

struct class_device_attribut *blah_ptr [] = {
blah1, blah2, blah3

The second array is absolutely unneeded here (one garbage pointer for every
device attribute plus alignment), since the array is absolutely static. And
even worse, the array cannot be declared __initdata since devices can
register and unregister at any time.

> - Don't do a unregister function by passing a string to it.
> Explicitly pass the pointer of the object that you want to
> unregister, like all other kernel interfaces do. With that
> change you no longer need the class_find_device() patch,
> right?
No. class_find_device was written for lcd_find_device() and
backlight_find_device() (framebuffer devices use them). On the other hand,
the driver that registers the backlight device doesn't have a pointer to the
class device (well, the lcd_register_device could return it). Since the
lcd/backlight names are unique anyway, I don't see any problems with that, and
moreover, it is *registered* by giving it a name, why it should be
unregistered in a different way?

In any case, if you have strong objections against that, this could be changed
of course. But again, it will result in more useless code/data (the driver
will have to store somewhere the device it has registered, or alternatively,
use lcd/backlight_device_find()).

> - How about some drivers that actually use this interface?
> Again, you are creating interfaces with no examples of users
> of the interface, which isn't acceptable.
There are already four drivers that implement the lcd/backlight devices (for
Dell Axim X5, iPAQ 2210, Jornada 560, Rover P5), and three framebuffer devices
that were modified to use it (sa1100fb, pxafb and mq1100fb). I would paste
them here but they are quite large, and I wouldn't like to pollute this list,
it's so high-traffic already.

Instead, you can download them from (~33k).

The full sources are in' public CVS
(, repository linux/kernel26).

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