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SubjectRe: keyboard problem with 2.6.6
>>>>> "Chris" == Chris Osicki <> writes:

Chris> Hi

Chris> I recently moved to kernel 2.6.6 from 2.4.26 and noticed
Chris> that four keys on my keyboard stopped working.

Congratulations, you've hit the most annoying (IMO) part of the new
'features' in 2.6.6: the new input subsystem.

Chris> The kernel reports:

Chris> keyboard: unrecognized scancode (XX) - ignored

Chris> Where XX is 71, 72, 74, 75.

They have rewritten the kernel keyboard and mouse drivers, causing
lots of problems to people who switch from 2.4. What's worse: there
is no way back. No backward-compatibility to 2.4 behaviours have been
provided, because some kernel developers believe the new input system
is "perfect", so perfect that no one would want the old behaviours
See also:

Chris> I tried to solve my problem using setkeycodes and tried:

Chris> setkeycodes 71 101

Chris> as 101 was unused keycode (according to getkeycodes)

I don't think you should invent your own keycodes, given that the
following appears in linux-2.6.*/include/linux/input.h

#define KEY_STOP 128
#define KEY_AGAIN 129
#define KEY_PROPS 130
#define KEY_UNDO 131
#define KEY_FRONT 132
#define KEY_COPY 133
#define KEY_OPEN 134
#define KEY_PASTE 135
#define KEY_FIND 136
#define KEY_CUT 137
#define KEY_HELP 138
#define KEY_MENU 139
#define KEY_CALC 140

I'm not sure if the configs of XFree86 need any further adjustments.

Chris> I would be very thankful if somebody could help me to
Chris> understand what's going on

The keyboard driver has changed, and hence the behaviour.

It also affects my notebook: The SysRq key activated by some [Fn]- key
combo does not work anymore. It DID work in 2.4. On 2.6, I have to
use Alt-PrintScreen instead. The atkbd keyboard driver seems to
assume that SysRq == Alt-PrintScreen in all cases, which is simply

Chris> and how can I get my keys working again.

Lobby the input system developers, emphasizing that COMPATIBILITY with
2.4 behaviours is desired and important. Without a smooth transition
path, people will be reluctant to migrate to 2.6.

Chris> There must be a good reason for the change from 2.4.x to
Chris> 2.6.x which escapes me.

Yeah. They say the input system "unifies" the interface to
keyboard/mouse devices. They're also proud that the in-kernel
keyboard/mouse drivers are supporting more and more devices. But at
the same time, they're sacrificing flexibility by moving many codes
into kernel. (GPM supports more mouse types!) The new system also
breaks backward compatibility.

Sau Dan LEE 李守敦(Big5) ~{@nJX6X~}(HZ)

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