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SubjectRe: [PATCH] [RFC] adding support for .patches and /proc/patches.gz
Jon Oberheide wrote:
> Greetings,
> This feature has been brought up several times before, as can be seen
> here:
> For those unfamiliar, a file linux/.patches would be adding to the
> source tree. When applying patches to the source tree, descriptive
> information would be written to .patches. After compilation and running
> of this kernel, the .patches information would be accessible through
> /proc/patches.gz; similar to the /proc/config.gz feature.

The first question would be, patches between the current kernel and
what? Vendor kernel, people may not have it. kernal, just the
patches to a current vendor kernel diff would be pretty huge in some cases.

Let's say it looks like a high cost/benefit ratio, would be much less
effective unless it were used for every patch, and feels like something
you might want to do within an organization rather than as a general

Sorry, you asked for comments...

-bill davidsen (
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last possible moment - but no longer" -me
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