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    SubjectRe: [ANNOUNCE] [PATCH] Node Hotplug Support
    On Mon, May 10, 2004 at 11:17:22AM +0900, Keiichiro Tokunaga wrote:
    > As you mentioned, there can be many more things. However,
    > the examples you showed should be handled by individual hotplug.
    > For instance, the processes bound to a certain CPU should be
    > handled by CPU hotplug when node hotplug invokes CPU hotplug.
    > Also, the device drivers bound to slots should be detached by
    > IO hotplug. Node hotplug is supposed to take care of a container
    > device and just invoke individual hotplugs for other devices.
    > Node hotplug doesn't break any policy of each hotplug (CPU,
    > memory, IO, etc).

    To coordinate all them you need user space infrastructure anyways
    that knows about all the elements of a node. I don't see why you want a
    kernel level container too; userspace can do this job already
    and would be much more flexible.

    > > This has the advantage that if there is some reason to
    > > add CPUs without memory (or memory without CPUs or PCI slots
    > > without anything) it will just work too. It is not clear
    > > that your "lump everything mechanism into one" can handle all
    > > that. Most likely you would need to add lots of special
    > > cases to it to handle all this. Separate mechanisms can
    > > do this cleaner.
    > Yes. The cases (combination of hardware) would increase.
    > However, I don't think there would be that many today.

    I am mainly thinking about virtualization here for which hotplug
    of everything makes definitely sense. But the requirements could
    be very different from what a big iron machine wants.

    > Are you saying here that platform-independent and dependent
    > codes should be separated so that the independent part could
    > be implemented by any other platform (firmware) in their own
    > style? If so, I agree and some discussion are necessary :)


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