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SubjectRe: [RFC][PATCH] O(1) Entitlement Based Scheduler

Peter Williams wrote:
> Timothy Miller wrote:
> > <snip>
>> In fact, that may be the only "flaw" in your design. It sounds like
>> your scheduler does an excellent job at fairness with very low
>> overhead. The only problem with it is that it doesn't determine
>> priority dynamically.
> This (i.e. automatic renicing of specified programs) is a good idea but
> is not really a function that should be undertaken by the scheduler
> itself. Two possible solutions spring to mind:
> 1. modify the do_execve() in fs/exec.c to renice tasks when they execute
> specified binaries

We don't want user-space programs to have control over priority. This
is DoS waiting to happen.

> 2. have a user space daemon poll running tasks periodically and renice
> them if they are running specified binaries

This is much too specific. Again, if the USER has control over this
list, then it's potential DoS. And if the user adds a program which
should qualify but which is not in the list, the program will not get
its deserved boost.

And a sysadmin is not going to want to update 200 lab computers just so
one user can get their program to run properly.

> Both of these solutions have their advantages and disadvantages, are
> (obviously) complicated than I've made them sound and would require a
> great deal of care to be taken during their implementation. However, I
> think that they are both doable. My personal preference would be for
> the in kernel solution on the grounds of efficiency.

They are doable, but they are not a general solution.

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