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SubjectRe: [ANNOUNCE] udev 018 release
On Thu, Feb 19, 2004 at 10:59:32AM -0800, Greg KH wrote:
> I've released the 018 version of udev. It can be found at:

As of this release, I've been running with udev managing my /dev for me
exclusively on my main email and development machine. This is a major
milestone for udev and it proves that it is a viable solution.

I'd like to say thanks to everyone who has made this possible to do:
- Pat Mochel for creating sysfs and listening to my crazy ideas
about how we could create a userspace devfs all those years
- Dan Stekloff for prodding me to actually implement this crazy
idea and who came up with a solid initial design document,
without which this project would have never left the dream
- Kay Sievers for almost single-handedly taking over the whole
udev TODO list and converting udev from a small "proof of
concept" toy into a powerful and useful tool.
- Pat Mansfield for creating the scsi_id tool and enabling udev
to call external programs, which instantly made udev a real
tool in the fine Unix tradition.
- All of the Gentoo developers who integrated udev into their
distro and showed me that it can actually run a machine.
- everyone who has sent in udev patches, bug reports, and
feature requests. Without these udev would only work for me,
and not the rest of the world. A community is very important.
- the distros for picking up udev without me having to beg :)
- everyone else who I know I've forgotten...

udev development isn't done, but for anyone who has not checked it out
yet, I suggest you do so. I'll post a small HOWTO that shows how to
configure udev to manage your /dev without any problems or legacy issues
(the 2.4 kernel will still work just fine on the same box.)

If anyone has any suggestions for things that are lacking in udev,
please let me and the linux-hotplug-devel mailing list. This especially
goes for any distro developers who are trying to integrate it into their

thanks again,

greg k-h
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