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SubjectRe: 2.6.10-mm1, class_simple_* and GPL addition
Alle 22:55, venerdì 29 ottobre 2004, Greg KH ha scritto:

> So we can change things, little things like this can help everyone out,
> even if I'm going to get a ton of nvidia user hate mail directed to me
> after the next kernel comes out...
> Remember, binary kernel modules are a leach on our community.

I'm one of the users biten by this change, and I can undestand your reason;
anyway from my standpoint the situation is that a change that has no
technical motivation (at least to my knowledge) is going to remove an
interface that until now was available, and prevents me to use my card with
new kernels; this is too similar to some closed souce companies behaviour. No
big deal, I can live with that, but if this is the right way to handle that
interface, why this is enforced only now and not from the very first time?
Granted that you have all the rights to do that, may I ask if this is not in
contrast with is stated in this post?

I understand all your motivation,and I agree with most of them, but I'm asking
if this is the right way to handle this GPL issue...

Fabio Coatti
Ferrara Linux Users Group
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