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SubjectRe: TG3: very high CPU usage

i'm replying to my email.

> thank you for the info! i searched their site, but i only found a reference to BACS on their faq page and that this software should be on their driver cdrom (well, it is not on my netgear cdrom).
> but i'll test my cable with a fluke networks cable tester tomorrorw or on tuesday. i'll post the results if they are relevant.

well, i did a thorough cable test with a DSP-4100 fluke networks cable tester and i had some bad values. i've been using 3 cables (24m) with adapters, all single cables were fine, so the adapters seemed to cause the problem.
but i'm now using a longer x-over cable (30m) where i also get those speed problems. it is a *bit* better, i get about 1-2MB/s in both directions, but i'm also experiencing a very high error rate over the x-over cable...(~40-50 errors per second)

do you have this BACS software and is it possible to test the NIC itself with it? maybe one of my NICs is causing this.


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