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SubjectRe: atapi write support? No
Markus Plail wrote:
> On Tue, 09 Sep 2003, Ed Sweetman wrote:
>>Jens Axboe wrote:
>>>On Tue, Sep 09 2003, Ed Sweetman wrote:
>>There is no other information needed.
> There is...

You seemed to get it without any more.

>>By use atapi write support i mean Get it to do anything besides error
>>out reporting that it cant access the drive. If you can query the
>>drive much less actually write anything to it using the ATAPI
>>interface than that's more than i've been able to do.
>>for example cdrecord dev=ATAPI:1,0,0 checkdisk
> ATAPI: is most likely wrong for what you want to do. It's meant for
> notebooks (PCATA or something).
> If you just want to get rid of ide-scsi, you have to use dev=/dev/hdX in
> cdrecord.

this method states that the method of access is unsupported and
unintentional. Which is why i didn't think that it was the right way to
use cdrecord on atapi devices without ide-scsi.

> regards
> Markus
> PS: A little change in attitude towards people who are willing to help
> you wouldn't be the worst idea. IMHO of course.

If you make what is a general question too specific with details you
limit your responses if anyone thinks their response is correct for you
anyway. I limited my question as much as i wanted to, with the desired
effect no less.

apparently cdrecord's documention is a little behind it's code. Now
tracking down why it seems to be botching audio cds for me would require
a full bugreport style mail now that i know cdrecord is being used in
the correct manner.

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