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SubjectRe: Use of AI for process scheduling
On Mon, 2003-09-08 at 21:28, Timothy Miller wrote:

> Basically, we need to write and install into the kernel an AI engine
> which uses user feedback about the "feel" of the system to adjust
> heuristics dynamically. For instance, if the user sees that the system
> is misbehaving, they can pause the system in the kernel debugger,
> examine process priorities, and indicate what "outputs" from the AI
> engine are wrong. It then learns from that. Heuristics can be tweaked
> until things run as desired. At that point, scheduler developers trade
> emails in the AI heuristic language.

I'm no kernel expert but I think that doing what you suggest would take
an enormous amount of time and resources to do. Also, the scheduler must
be a real-time piece of software, and needs to take decisions as fast
and as accurately as possible. I think that implementing an IA-like
engine would take an great deal of resources. By the time the IA-like
scheduler has taken its decision, the whole world could have changed

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