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SubjectRe: [PATCH] Alternate futex non-page-pinning and COW fix

On Thu, 4 Sep 2003, Jamie Lokier wrote:
> Yes it can. See sys_mprotect(). If that's not intended, it's a bug
> in mprotect().

Oh. I see. Yes - it's accessing "vm_flags" with "MAP_SEM". That's really
wrong, since it's not even the same _domain_.

"vm_flags" should use the "VM_xxxx" bits. Trying to use "PROT_xxx" bits is
totally improper, but it so happens that the low three bits
(READ|WRITE|EXEC) are supposed to be the same.

Good catch.

It really should do what mmap() does, and translate from the "PROT_xxx"
domain to the "VM_xxx" domain:

flag = _trans(prot, PROT_READ, VM_READ) |
_trans(prot, PROT_WRITE, VM_WRITE) |
_trans(prot, PROT_EXEC, VM_EXEC);

and the only reason sys_mprotect _looks_ like it is working is that those
three bits (but _not_ MAP_SEM) happen to be the same anyway.

I'm inclined to be lazy, and say "we know the low three bits of "prot" and
"flags" are the same, and leave it as-is, but remove the MAP_SEM, which
clearly is a bug.

But the proper thing is to move that part of calc_vm_flags() to a header
file. Does anybody want to take that on?


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