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SubjectRe: nasm over gas?
On Thursday 04 September 2003 21:44, Yann Droneaud wrote:
> fruhwirth clemens wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > I recently posted a module for twofish which implements the algorithm in
> > assembler
> > (
> >
> > Unfortunately the assembler used is masm. I'd like to change that.
> > Netwide Assembler (nasm) is the assembler of my choice since it focuses
> > on portablity and has a more powerful macro facility (macros are heavily
> > used by 2fish_86.asm). But as I'd like to make my work useful (aim for an
> > inclusion in the kernel) I noticed that this would be the first module to
> > depend on nasm. Everything else uses gas.
> >
> > So the question is: Is a patch which depends on nasm likely to be merged?
> I hope no ...
> Some years ago, we converted the only part of the kernel that used as86
> to GNU as: see arch/i386/boot. I think this was an improvement.
> Using nasm for only one small piece of code would be a regression, imho.

Concur, not worthwhile to start using a fairly unsupported tool in the kernel.

As to using assembler, It is better to get rid of it but in special cases.
Todays compilers are the better coders in 98+% of applications, and if you
follow some of the discussions here on the list, you will be amazed what
people do with a C compiler - all portable and much more maintainable.

I guess your code should be 80-90% C and 10-20% assmbler. This will make it
up to 10 times a portable.

As to using nasm, note for gas and gcc 3.2+:

+ GAS does intel syntax too using the directive

+ GCC can do intel syntax asm output as well, tried
it on some mid size apps - it works fine.

As to "abuse" of macros, macros beyond C-style pre-processing are generaly
obsolete, better use C, or write an app-specific front end.

I did the latter to "preprocess" a common source, running 16 bit/embedded
source through wasm and 32bit/linux source through gas.


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