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SubjectRe: Scaling noise
> On Wed, Sep 03, 2003 at 06:06:53PM -0700, Larry McVoy wrote:
>> Here's a thought. Maybe the next kernel summit needs to have a CC cluster
>> BOF or whatever. I'd be happy to show up, describe what it is that I see
>> and have you all try and poke holes in it. If the net result was that you
>> walked away with the same picture in your head that I have that would be
>> cool. Heck, I'll sponser it and buy beer and food if you like.
> It'd be nice if there were a prototype or something around to at least
> get a feel for whether it's worthwhile and how it behaves.
> Most of the individual mechanisms have other uses ranging from playing
> the good citizen under a hypervisor to just plain old filesharing, so
> it should be vaguely possible to get a couple kernels talking and
> farting around without much more than 1-2 P-Y's for bootstrapping bits
> and some unspecified amount of pain for missing pieces of the above.
> Unfortunately, this means
> (a) the box needs a hypervisor (or equivalent in native nomenclature)
> (b) substantial outlay of kernel hacking time (who's doing this?)
> I'm vaguely attached to the idea of there being _something_ to assess,
> otherwise it's difficult to ground the discussions in evidence, though
> worse comes to worse, we can break down to plotting and scheming again.

I don't think the initial development baby-steps are *too* bad, and don't
even have to be done on a NUMA box - a pair of PCs connected by 100baseT
would work. Personally, I think the first step is to do task migration -
migrate a process without it realising from one linux instance to another.
Start without the more complex bits like shared filehandles, etc. Something
that just writes 1,2,3,4 to a file. It could even just use shared root NFS,
I think that works already.

Basically swap it out on one node, and in on another, though obviously
there's more state to take across than just RAM. I was talking to Tridge
the other day, and he said someone had hacked up something in userspace
which kinda worked ... I'll get some details.

I view UP -> SMP -> NUMA -> SSI on NUMA -> SSI on many PCs -> beowulf cluster
as a continuum ... the SSI problems are easier on NUMA, because you can
wimp out on things like shmem much easier, but it's all similar.


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