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SubjectRe: Scaling noise
--Larry McVoy <> wrote (on Wednesday, September 03, 2003 17:36:33 -0700):

> On Wed, Sep 03, 2003 at 11:17:56AM -0700, Martin J. Bligh wrote:
>> Errm, IBM is gambling with _their_ money, as are others such as HP,
>> and they're making big iron.
> But making very little money off of it. I'd love to get revenue numbers
> as a function of time for >8 processor SMP boxes. I'll bet my left nut
> that the numbers are going down.

A tempting offer. Make it a legally binding written document, and I'm sure
I can go get them for you ;-)

AFAIK, Dell just wimped out of the 8x market, so we're talking about
more than 4x really, I think.

> They have to be, CPUs are fast enough
> to handle most problems, clustering has worked for lots of big companies
> like Google, Amazon, Yahoo, and the HPC market has been flat for years.
> So where's the growth? Nowhere I can see. If I'm not seeing it, show
> me the data. I may be a pain in the ass but I'll change my mind instantly
> when you show me data that says something different than what I believe.
> So far, all I've seen is people having fun proving that their ego is
> bigger than the next guys, no real data. Come on, you'd love nothing
> better than to prove me wrong. Do it. Or admit that you can't.

Not quite sure why the onus is on the rest of us to disprove your pet
theory, rather than you to prove it.


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