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SubjectRe: [NFS] attempt to use V1 mount protocol on V3 server
>>>>> " " == Pascal Schmidt <> writes:

> That's assuming all NFSv3 servers do NFSv2 also. I don't. In
> this case the bug was in my nfsd who was not recognizing the
> filehandle coming in via GETATTR as correct. ;)

> So I'll have to live with registering for V1 also and handling
> umount there and rejecting mount with an error. Oh well.

No. That won't make any difference. The kernel never talks to the

It's being handed a bogus filehandle by the userland mount command
(which gets it from mountd). When it sends the initial NFSv3 GETATTR
call to the nfsd, and gets rejected, it just retries the same GETATTR
call as an NFSv2 call.

> Oh, BTW, that reminds me: the 2.6.0-test NFS client does not
> like FSSTAT returning NFS3ERR_NOTSUPP. When I started coding, I
> got a hard lockup of my system due to that, had to press the
> reset button, not even Alt-SysRq wanted to work. I couldn't
> capture the output and shutting down the system didn't work,
> plus I could not start any new processes. Sure, that was a
> buggy server, but should that lock up the kernel? Known
> problem?

I'll check what's happening. AFAICS, the NFS layer should not really
care, but it will pass some funny values back to the VFS, and this
might be screwing something up...

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