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SubjectRe: request_firmware() backport to 2.4
Jean Tourrilhes wrote:
> Marcelo wrote :
>>On 1 Sep 2003, Marcel Holtmann wrote:
>>>no, the bfubase.frm is the original firmware file from AVM. This file
>>>have to be placed somewhere on the filesystem.
>>Right, and without placing the file somewhere on the filesystem bfusb
>>2.4.22 users wont have 2.4.23 working without "issues".
> But various high level kernel people, such as Jeff, have
> decided that binary firmwares *must* be removed from the kernel
> because of legal "issues" (GPL == source available). In 2.6.X, it
> seems that the tolerance towards this "issue" will end, so all those
> nasty details will have to work.

Well, I wouldn't put it that strongly.

It's more like, at least in my own case, the Debian people make a stink
about the legality of non-GPL'd firmwares. And certain people, and at
certain times, have refused patches related to legality of firmwares.
AND, on top of all that, as a programmer I hate seeing these ugly BLOBs
embedded in C code, and would much rather see them removed from the C
source code.

So, I "prefer" that firmware leaves the kernel, but that's just my
personal opinion. There has been no decision made AFAIK, and I don't
recall Marcelo or Linus speaking definitively on the subject.

> Of course, 2.4.X is more "don't rock the boat".



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