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SubjectRe: Airo Net 340 PCMCIA WiFi Card trouble
Hi again, read below...

> On Wed, 2003-09-03 at 05:09, tonildg wrote:
>> >The error message:
>> >cardmgr[19]: starting, version is 3.2.4
>> >cs: memory probe 0x0c0000-0x0ffff: excluding >0xc0000-0xcbfff
>> I had the same problem you have (but in other range of memory and with
>>another wireless card) and it started too with 2.4.19.
>> I solved it testing with memory ranges in the config.opts file that
>>comes with your pcmcia_cs version.
>> You have to play with them until one fits and boots. "I had to use
>>windows to see the memory adresses my cardbus used."
< Umh can I check it out on Linux as well? And how? I can boot correctly
> with 2.4.19.

I had to look to the windows cardbus device properties to get it work,
but i think that by playing with some values you can get it working too
without needing that crappy OS.

My Excuse: The reason i looked into windows whas that i was setting
up a laptop whith the host_ap module support and i needed it working
for giving a wireless talk and had no time to play. :-)

>>Usually, when
>>comenting the "include memory 0xc0000-0xfffff" solves it.
> Yes when I comment that include out I can boot but the card is not
> properly intitialized, here is the errors I get:
> airo: register interrupt 0 failed, rc -16
> airo_cs: RequestConfiguration: Operation succeeded
> cardmgr[20]: get dev info on socket 0 failed: Resource temporarily
> unavailable.
I can only give you this link where the problem is referenced and
have some instructions to guess wich memory addresses to reserve for the

>>However this problem is not caused by the Airo driver. And, (i think) it
>>is not a kernel problem. Maybe a pcmcia_cs one.
> Okay so the kernel changed something and is now using that memory area?
No. I think kernel does not change anything. Maybe is that the
kernel fits a region of memory originally reserved for the cardbus as is
defined in config.opts. Maybe because those new kernel are a few Kb
bigger than before one's.

Remembering this thing makes me think that this "issue" is more a
pcmcia_cs thing than a kernel/driver one.

Hope it helps you or any other developer/list__member here.

PD: Excuse my poor english.

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