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SubjectRe: repeatable, hard lockup on boot in linux-2.6.0-test4 (more details)
> Looks like it.  Please add a DB() to the start of i8042_interrupt(),
> see if we locked up in an interrupt storm.

I believe this is what's happening - i8042_interrupt is getting called at a
very fast rate and we never do anything else. (I suppose that's the
definition of an interrupt storm - this is my first foray into kernel
programming aside from fixing compiler errors.)

As others have suggested, booting with "pci=noacpi" fixes the problem.
(Leaving the debug statement in there, I'd estimate that i8042_interrupt
gets called at about 25 times a second - about a screenfull a second or

So, anyone else with this problem can plug in a PS/2 mouse or boot with
"pci=noacpi" to work around it.

The last thing I would mention is that 2.5.75 ran fine on this machine, so
I guess this problem has crept in since then.

> There's an ugly in the irq code there: if i8042_check_mux() or
> i8042_check_mux() are called while the device is open we end up freeing
> the wrong IRQ. It is unlikely to help though.

I did apply this patch, and it did not visibly help.

Thanks for the help, let me know if you'd like me to try anything else.

Take care,
Dale E. Martin, Clifton Labs, Inc.
Senior Computer Engineer
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