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SubjectRe: Linksys WRT54G: Part 2
On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, Erik Andersen wrote:

> "the Linksys technical folks are digging into your questions -
> all the the software in question is from Linksys' suppliers
> (Linksys doesn't have the source code to this software), so we
> have to work with these suppliers to address any concerns."
> but that was July 15 and I have heard nothing substantive from
> them since that time.

I have no idea who their supplier is, but it's not
unthinkable that the supplier is trying to take
advantage of the situation by asking extraordinary
amounts of money from Cisco and/or Linksys in order
to give them the source code.

Hell, their contractor could even have removed the
source code from their systems already ("mmm, the
disk is full, lets remove some old projects").

Personally I'd like to treat Cisco and Linksys nicely
for the time being, since the full extent of the nasty
situation they're in could well be covered in an NDA
with their contractor, making them unable to tell us
the reasons for the way things are going.

Hmmm, guess I _should_ mail the FSF as one of the
copyright holders, just so I'm in the group and can
argue for a friendly approach ;)

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