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SubjectRe: pm: Revert swsusp to 2.6.0-test3 state

[Longer reply this time].

> > Patrick said he applied "revert" changes to his tree, but I can see
> > nothing in the mainline. This reverts swsusp to "-test3" state, and
> > makes it work here (*). Please apply,
> No.
> I'm not going to apply warring patches. You two sort it out amonst
> yourselves, I just don't care to be left in the middle.

I'm not playing patch wars, Patrick actually has very similar patch in
his tree already -- test5-pm2 contains kernel/sys.c and
kernel/power/swsusp.c changes; it does not contain
include/linux/suspend.h changes -- I'm not sure if that's mistake or
if prototypes were moved to some better place, and it does not contain
kernel/power/main.c changes -- main.c is pretty much rewritten in
test5-pm2 AFAICS so those changes do not apply.

> And yes, Pavel, that means you have to be civil. I was actually surprised
> at how civil Pat was the last time around considering that there was a
> longish thread where the subject was pretty negative about him.

I hope to hear some comments from Patrick. He merged the code, but
does not seem to be pushing the changes. I'd like to have something at
least partly working in -test6.

When do you have a heart between your knees?
[Johanka's followup: and *two* hearts?]
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