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SubjectRe: log-buf-len dynamic
On Tue, Sep 23, 2003 at 02:53:32PM -0700, Linus Torvalds wrote:
> When you write some code of your own, you get to choose the license. And I
> haven't seen you make CVS usable - I've only seen you bitch, moan, and
> complain..

we have cvsps and subversion these days, it's not about cvs only anymore.

if I would know that you will eventually get interested into anything
not bitkeeper I would be glad to hack in this area (I can use some spare
time too) to provide a service to the community. The main reason I will
never use b*tkeeper is because I want to retain the freedom to do that,
something that you and many others won't be able to do anymore.

But note that cvs+cvsps is already perfectly usable for me, most people
is readonly anyways, and if you would checkin into cvs instead of
b*tkeeper I couldn't notice any difference (except that I could send you
a patch to add the email at the top of the cvs log). So from my part,
using cvsps is just good enough and I've no idea why you call it
"unusable" (just as example see the two patches I extracted in a second,
in the old days I certainly couldn't do that).

There's a chance cvsps is even more friendly than b*tkeeper for my
common usages.

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