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SubjectRe: [PATCH] Nick's scheduler policy v10

Martin J. Bligh wrote:

>>>Not convinced of that - mm performs worse than mainline for me.
>>Well, one of Con's patches caused a lot of idle time on volanomark.
>>The reason for the change was unclear. I guess either a fairness or
>>wakeup latency change (yes, it was a very scientific process, ahem).
>>Anyway, in the process of looking at the load balancing, we found
>>and fixed a problem (although it might now possibly over balance).
>>This did cure most of the idle problems.
>>So it could just be small changes causing things to go out of whack.
>>I will try to get better data after (if ever) the thing is working
>>nicely on the desktop.
>I think Con and I worked out that the degredations I was seeing
>(on kernbench and SDET) were due to (in his words) "my hacks throwing the
>cc cpu hogs onto the expired array more frequently".

This didn't explain the huge idle time increases on volanomark and
SPECjbb I think.

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