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SubjectRe: 2.6-test4 Traditional pty and devfs
> Well, that's why we have UNIX98 ptys.  My preferred fix for this
> issue would be to just axe traditional ptys, although this would probably
> make it us incompatible with libc5.
> Why aren't you using the new-style ptys?

Ripperx, the program that is failing, is not mine. I have no control
over what sort of pty it uses. Im sure there are other programs with
use traditional pty's as well.


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> Well, that's why we have UNIX98 ptys. My preferred fix for this
> issue would be to just axe traditional ptys, although this would probably
> make it us incompatible with libc5.
> Why aren't you using the new-style ptys?

Ripperx, the program that is failing, is not mine. I have no control
over what sort of pty it uses. Im sure there are other programs with
use traditional pty's as well.


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