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SubjectRe: How to choose between ip 2 identical ethernet cards
On Fri, 29 Aug 2003 17:29:29 -0700 don fisher <> wrote:

| Sorry for a bit off topic.
| I have a Dell 8200 laptop and a docking station, both with 3c905C
| ethenet chips. I wish to use the 3c905c internal to the docking
| station when the system is docked. Otherwise the 3c905c internal to
| the 8200. In my office I would like to run with both eth0 and eth1,
| but I need to be able to connect the correct interface to the correct
| cable. The same module is loaded for both devices.
| The HOWTOs I found all assumed you had old cards with fixed addresses.
| These could be specified as options in modules.conf. From the Net-HOWTO:
| alias eth0 ne
| alias eth1 ne
| alias eth2 ne
| options ne io=0x220,0x240,0x300
| But this does not seem to apply to the 3c59x driver. modinfo doesn't
| even list "io" as a valid option.
| I did find:
| 1) in /proc/ioports, one of the devices is listed with "(#2)" after it.
| 2) in /etc/sysconfig/hwconf, one of the devices has
| subDeviceId = 00d4, the other 00de.
| I have tried changing the order of loading modules, along with a few
| vain attempts in modules.conf. For info, this is a Redhat system.
| Where is the definition as to which device will be associated with
| eth0 made?
| Any assistance would be appreciated. I did try to RTFM, I just can't
| find the correct "fine manual";-)
| thanks
| don

I did a mini-howto for 'nameif'. URL is below. Maybe it can
help you.

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On Fri, 29 Aug 2003 17:29:29 -0700 don fisher <> wrote:

| Sorry for a bit off topic.
| I have a Dell 8200 laptop and a docking station, both with 3c905C
| ethenet chips. I wish to use the 3c905c internal to the docking
| station when the system is docked. Otherwise the 3c905c internal to
| the 8200. In my office I would like to run with both eth0 and eth1,
| but I need to be able to connect the correct interface to the correct
| cable. The same module is loaded for both devices.
| The HOWTOs I found all assumed you had old cards with fixed addresses.
| These could be specified as options in modules.conf. From the Net-HOWTO:
| alias eth0 ne
| alias eth1 ne
| alias eth2 ne
| options ne io=0x220,0x240,0x300
| But this does not seem to apply to the 3c59x driver. modinfo doesn't
| even list "io" as a valid option.
| I did find:
| 1) in /proc/ioports, one of the devices is listed with "(#2)" after it.
| 2) in /etc/sysconfig/hwconf, one of the devices has
| subDeviceId = 00d4, the other 00de.
| I have tried changing the order of loading modules, along with a few
| vain attempts in modules.conf. For info, this is a Redhat system.
| Where is the definition as to which device will be associated with
| eth0 made?
| Any assistance would be appreciated. I did try to RTFM, I just can't
| find the correct "fine manual";-)
| thanks
| don

I did a mini-howto for 'nameif'. URL is below. Maybe it can
help you.

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