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SubjectRe: Rik's list of CS challenges
Alan Cox wrote:
> On Mer, 2003-09-17 at 10:52, Terje Eggestad wrote:
>>What become more interesting is that while you may have NV RAM, it's not
>>likely that MRAM is viable on the processor chip. The manufacture
>>process may be too expensive, or outright impossible, (polymers on chips
>>that hold 80 degrees C in not likely), leaving you with volatile
>>register and cache but NV Main RAM.
> We effectively handle that case now with the suspend-to-ram feature.
>>A merge of FS and RAM? (didn't the AS/400 have mmap'ed disks?)
> Persistant storage systems. These tend to look very unlike Linux because
> they throw out the idea of a file system as such. The issues with
> debugging if they break and backups make my head hurt but other folk
> seem to think they are solved problems

I see no reason to get rid of file systems - they provide a nice
and established way of organizing data. Persistent RAM offer
other advantages though - no need for disk caching, mmap
simply gives access to the memory, execute without loading first.

Helge Hafting

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