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SubjectRe: linear vs. logical addresses? how does cpu interpret kernel addrs?
On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 06:55:27PM -0700, William Lee Irwin III wrote:
> You might want to look at intel's volume 3. They're kept in dedicated
> registers separate from the pointers and used implicitly.

I've been reading that too. The problem is that there are 6 segment
selector registers and 4 of those are just for data segments. several
data segments can be in use simultaneously and they can all have
different base addresses and limits. The only explanation I've found so
far about how a segment is chosen is that logical address are 48-bit
values, yet sizeof(void *) == 4. there has to be a way to match up
pointer with a segment, but I am unable to find it so far. (maybe I
need a nap.)


- Ben

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