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SubjectRe: [PATCH] 2.6 workaround for Athlon/Opteron prefetch errata

John Bradford wrote:

>>>>>That's a non-issue. 300 bytes matters a lot on some systems. The
>>>>>fact that there are drivers that are bloated is nothing to do with
>>>>Its kind of irrelevant when by saying "Athlon" you've added 128 byte
>>>>alignment to all the cache friendly structure padding.
>>>My intention is that we won't have done 128 byte alignments just by
>>>'supporting' Athlons, only if we want to run fast on Athlons. A
>>>distribution kernel that is intended to boot on all CPUs needs
>>>workarounds for Athlon bugs, but it doesn't need 128 byte alignment.
>>>Obviously using such a kernel for anything other than getting a system
>>>up and running to compile a better kernel is a Bad Thing, but the
>>>distributions could supply separate Athlon, PIV, and 386 _optimised_
>>Why bother with that complexity? Just use 128 byte lines. This allows
>>a decent generic kernel. The people who have space requirements would
>>only compile what they need anyway.
>So, basically, if you compile a kernel for a 386, but think that maybe
>one day you might need to run it on an Athlon for debugging purposes,
>you use 128 byte padding, because it's not too bad on the 386? Seems
>pretty wasteful to me when the obvious, simple, elegant solution is to
>allow independent selection of workaround inclusion and optimisation.
>Especially since half of the work has already been done.

I missed the "simple, elegant" part. Conceptually elegant maybe.

If you mean to use the optimise option only to set cache line size, then
that might be a bit saner.

As far as the case study goes though: if you were worried about being
wasteful, why wouldn't you compile just for the 386 and debug from that?

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