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SubjectRe: atyfb still broken on 2.4.23-pre4 (on sparc64)
On Mon, 2003-09-15 at 23:24, Daniël Mantione wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, Marcelo Tosatti wrote:
> > Ben reported it breaks PPC, too...
> The patch was tested on ppc, it is propably not PowerPC specific.
> Benjamin, on what kind of machine did things break? Can you provide some
> info?

I reported that I got user reports of breakage... so far, I don't know
more as I only have one mach64 machine that I couldn't test on yet.

At least, iBook1 is broken (M1 chipset) from what Olaf says (in CC

There are a few PPC machines for which atyfb is "critical":

- PowerBook Wallstreet I (Rage LT-G, that one I can test)
- PowerBook Wallstreet II (Rage LT-Pro I think)
- PowerBook 101 (aka Lombard) (Rage LT-Pro)
- iBook1 (Rage M1)
- iMac rev A,B and C (not sure which chip, LT-Pro or just 3D Pro)
- Beige G3 (older XL iirc)

Along with some older "performa" I forgot about (5400 I think).

The current driver works at least well enough to get a console on all
of these. I'm not sure a stable serie should get a new driver if it
has not been properly validated on these. Unfortunately, I don't have
access to all of this HW to test with, so...

Why don't you push it to 2.6 first then backport to 2.4 ? That would
be better imho...



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