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SubjectRe: 2.6.0-test1, -test4 control key "stuck"
On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 11:00:28AM +0200, Andries Brouwer wrote:
::snip? SNIP!::
> Apparently your keyboard has problems handling the situation where many
> keys are down simultaneously.

What would happen if the kernel received two keypress events, and then one key-
release event for a single key? I'd imagine that it'd disregard the duplicate

> No kernel problem here - just a confusing message.
::snip? SNIP!::
any idea what might cause the key sticking problem? I wouldn't think it's
a directly hardware-related problem (though it might be in BIOS firmware, I
suppose) because the problem is resolved when I reboot.

Also, I'm not sure how the final issue I described could have occurred, since
it appears to be keymap-related. Is there some special keycode that might be
able to cause a change in the keymap? Also, does the behavior I described
match any common keymaps? I typically don't set LANG or any of the other
locale-defining variables.

> Andries

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