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SubjectRe: getting a working CD-drive in 2.6

Stuart Longland wrote:

>Quoting Wes Janzen <>:
>>Actually with 2.6, you no longer need ide-scsi. You'll need to upgrade
>>your cdrecord tools and probably your burning GUI, if you use one....
>Ahh okay, I wasn't aware of that. We use a SCSI burner anyways, but most of my...
And here's an even better reason to avoid ide-scsi in 2.6 (Jens sent
this to the list, but I don't see it...):

>Jens Axboe wrote:
>That's because it _is_ faster. It contains no silly memory allocations
>for the buffer and data copying in the kernel, the data is mapped from
>the user buffer and DMA'ed directly from there. It also uses DMA where
>ide-scsi wont.
>People generally report that they have no problems burning at full speed
>(52) on even really old machines where ide-scsi maxed out long before.
Certainly that is true. The system was nearly unresponsive at 16X (on
2.4.18 SuSE) with my K6-2 400, but I can set it up to 32X now and I have
no problems. My recorder never hits 32X with my media though, maxes out
at around 20X but I can browse the web while burning with absolutely no
fear of my buffer running dry (probably helps that it's a 8MB buffer but
cdrecord still never reports it being low). That's a big change from 2.4.

-Wes Janzen-

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