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SubjectRe: bttv bug

On Wed, Sep 10, 2003 at 10:37:49PM +0100, Nuno Silva wrote:
> Aaron Lehmann wrote:
> >Can you reproduce it without the nvidia module and produce a call
> >trace that doesn't include nvidia symbols?

It seems to work even with the nvidia module loaded, but once I start X, it
stops working. I thought that perhaps the patch to the nvidia kernel module
for -test5 was broken, so I used my older 2.6 nvidia kernel module source
and replaced the call to kdev_val() with MINOR() but that still did not fix
the problem. I can cat /dev/video0 before starting X, but afterwards it
says "Device or resouce busy", even after I kill X.

> Yes, and then try bttv patches from
> 2.6.0's bttv driver is misbehaving in my setup for ages... Try bytesex's
> patches and report back, please.

I tried this set of patches and it didn't do anything for me either.

So am I pretty much on my own with this problem? Does anyone use a Bt878 card
with an nvidia card under 2.6? It's strange that it used to work just fine,
but after upgrading it stopped working. I might try downgrading later to
-test4, but it would be unfortunate to have to run an earlier kernel without
the VIA8237SATA chipset merged in =\

I read somewhere that Nvidia cards do not support the overlay extension, but
I had xawtv working just fine if I disabled Xv, and it worked even better if
I used grabdisplay.
Misha Nasledov
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