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SubjectRe: Size of Tasks during ddos
On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 10:19:37AM -0400, wrote:
> The answer will differ depending whether (for example) you're being ICMP
> flooded, SYN-flooded, hit with a mass of HTTP 'GET /' commands, hit with a mass
> of HTTP commands that invoke a resource-intensive CGI like a database search,
> and so on.
> We'd really need to know what the traffic involved in the DDoS is in order to
> be able to comment on memory usage.

True, but it's not a ddos unless they do everything they can to disable the
target system. Sure they could just flood your net pipe, but why do that
when you could have fewer senders and completely kill the box for a long
time while it tries to process all of your requests (assuming you're running
services accessable from the net).
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