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SubjectRe: ACPI patch flow
Brown, Len wrote:
> I've re-named the linux-acpi* tree to be linux-acpi-release*; and made
> the staging area for the release tree visible -- calling it
> linux-acpi-test*
> So a 2 stage release is now visible on the net:


> As before, the BK trees live here: If
> there is demand for plain patches of the _test_ tree we can probably
> also export those on too, but as
> the test tree will change more often, those updates would have to be
> on-demand or on significant events.

I definitely support the posting of plain patches, and strongly
encourage it. We don't want any barriers at all to people testing the
latest ACPI fixes.

May I make a humble suggestion? :) Whenever net driver stuff gets send
off, I'll often run a prepared script which will create a GNU diff
against mainline, gzip it, and upload it to That gives
the non-BK users patches to play with.

I first considered posting these net driver patches on sourceforge
(project: gkernel), but uploads to sourceforge are time-consuming
events. You have a upload to an FTP site, then fill out a bunch of
forms and click a bunch of buttons. It's a system that _discourages_
frequent software postings, IMO.

So, my suggestion is to get an account on some web/ftp site
( and create a script that combines two tasks (bk push and
GNU patch upload) into a single command you run on your local Linux box.
Properly scripted, posting a patch shouldn't be any more work than
pushing to your new test tree. And IMHO you will reap the benefits.


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