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    SubjectRe: Efficient IPC mechanism on Linux
    Ciao Luca,

    On Tue, Sep 09, 2003 at 07:30:58PM +0200, Luca Veraldi wrote:
    > Hi all.
    > At the web page
    > You can find the results of my attempt in modifing the linux kernel sources
    > to implement a new Inter Process Communication mechanism.
    > It is called ECBM for Efficient Capability-Based Messaging.
    > In the reading You can also find the comparison of ECBM
    > against some other commonly-used Linux IPC primitives
    > (such as read/write on pipes or SYS V tools).
    > The results are quite clear.

    in terms of design as far as I can tell the most efficient way to do
    message passing is not pass the data through the kernel at all (no
    matter if you intend to copy it or not), and to simply use futex on top
    of shm to synchronize/wakeup the access. If we want to make an API
    widespread, that should be simply an userspace library only.

    It's very inefficient to mangle pagetables and flush the tlb in a flood
    like you're doing (or better like you should do), when you can keep the
    memory mapped in *both* tasks at the same time *always* and there's no
    need of any kernel modification at all for that much more efficient
    design that I'm suggesting. Obviously lots of apps are already using
    this design and there's no userspace API simply because that's not
    needed. The only thing we need from the kernel is the wakeup mechanism
    and that's already provided by the futex (in the past userspae apps
    using this design used sched_yield, and that was very bad).

    About the implementation - the locking looks very wrong: you miss the
    page_table_lock in all the pte walking, you take a totally worthless
    lock_kernel() all over the place for no good reason, and the
    unconditional set_bit(PG_locked) clear_bit(PG_locked) on random pieces
    of ram almost guarantees that you'll corrupt ram quickly (the PG_locked
    is reserved for I/O serialization, the same ram that you're working on
    can be sent to disk or to swap by the kernel at the same time and it can
    be already locked, you can't clear_bit unless you're sure you're the guy
    that owns the lock, and you aren't sure because you didn't test if
    you're the owner, so that smeels like an huge bug that will random
    corrupt ram, like the pte walking race).

    there's also an obvious DoS that is trivial to generate by locking in
    ram some 64G of ram with ecbm_create_capability() see the for(count=0;
    count<pages; ++count) atomic_inc (btw, you should use get_page, and all
    the operations like LockPage to play with pages).

    I also don't see where you flush the tlb after the set_pte, and where
    you release the ram pointed by the pte (it seems you're leaking plenty
    of memory that way).

    I didn't check at all the credential checks (I didn't run into it while
    reading the code, but I assume I overlooked it). (do you rely on a
    random number? that's probably statistically secure, but we can
    guarantee security on a local box, we must not work by luck whenever

    this was a very quick review, hope this helps,


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