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SubjectRe: bandwidth for (good news)
On Mon, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:13:16PM +0200, Andrea Arcangeli wrote:
> The only object of my posts was to try to correct the misinformation
> that was spreading from Larry's posts that implied you had to buy a
> speparate connection to shape the bitkeeper connections doing clones of
> the tree. That's what I and everybody else understood. Now apparently he
> was wrong and the hurting factor aren't the bitkeeper clients cloning
> the tree but the webserver. So I'm glad to have reached my object.

I don't know what axe you are trying to grind but that's nonsense. Yes,
I said when you start doing a clone the phones don't work but I never
said "the only problem we have is that an out going clone causes problems".
That's clearly not true, there are incoming clones, pushes, outgoing pulls,
all sorts of HTTP traffic, etc.

The problem is that you heard clone and you assumed that clone was the
ONLY source of traffic. That's your problem, not mine, so don't go
accusing me of spreading misinformation because you weren't thinking
or listening, please.
Larry McVoy lm at
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