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    Subjectnvidia gforce2 MMX 32meg failure

    I just tried to boot 2.6.0-test3, without the advansys driver in the
    kernel, intending to test it, but then recalled that the patches
    applied to the unpacked
    src tree, the
    hadn't made it work for test2, so I tried that first.

    This script was executed to build the nvidia install, as per the
    instructions in the patch:
    cd usr/src/nv
    cd ../../..
    make install
    Which appears to build as expected.

    That still fails during startx, at about the point where the nvidia
    splash screen should be seen, requireing a hardware reset to recover.
    I've saved the XFree86.0.log, so what list do I send it for a
    pathology report and a new prescription/patch?

    Obviously, back on a 2.4.22-rc2 kernel boot. I'll try the advansys
    modprobe next.

    Side comment: When I shutdown x, and then reboot after sending this
    msg, the fact that I've been running a 2.6 kernel will probably be
    confirmed by the shutdown scripts being unable to unmount my /usr on
    /dev/hda8, and this will be the case until such time as I let e2fsk
    scan it, reporting no problems when it does.

    To me, that says there is still something a bit fubar with the ide
    stuffs yet.

    Cheers, Gene
    AMD K6-III@500mhz 320M
    Athlon1600XP@1400mhz 512M
    99.27% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly attornies please note, additions to this message
    by Gene Heskett are:
    Copyright 2003 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

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