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    Subject2.6: More about interactivity
    Just wanted to throw a few thoughts I have about the current scheduler
    and my experiences with it (well, with my specific workloads and
    applications on my little 700 Mhz PIII laptop).

    I feel that 2.6.0-test2-mm5 is not as smooth as 2.6.0-test2-mm2 (O10int)
    was. I am experiencing sound skips, but this time I'm not using XMMS,
    but Juk, a KDE player which uses the aRTS sound daemon, which in turn, I
    assume it uses the OSS API.

    With X reniced at +0, the system feels not as smooth as 2.6.0-test2-mm2,
    but at least there are no sound skips. However, to gain on smoothness, I
    have chosen to renice X to -20. Renicing X to -20 makes Juk skip like
    crazy simply by dragging a window over the screen. Also, with X at -20,
    opening a long Bookmarks Konqueror menu also causes sound skips (even
    with XMMS). By now, I'm sticking at +0, but I really miss those times
    when I was running O10int and the desktop was as smooth as silk.

    Now, let's go on talking about plain 2.6.0-test2-bk6. I feel it not as
    good as Con's scheduler and, when starting a CPU hoggers, I can feel how
    the system lags (starves) considerably for a few seconds. For example,
    when launching an absurd while loop (while true; do a=2; done), X stops
    responding for nearly 1 second, then becomes responsive but laggy for
    another one, and then starts acting normally.

    When O10int was released, I knew and felt the scheduler was working
    great for me (well, it worked great with my workload and applications),
    but now I'm starting to get afraid that, for me, it's getting again up
    to a point like in the past when I was forced to continuously tweak
    every kernel knob to try to make it smoother and make it fit my
    particular needs.

    Is there any pending work on the scheduler that I don't know of, or are
    we getting past a point-of-no-return, where the scheduler will be left
    as it is right now? I'm saying this as it is a long time since I haven't
    heard any notice about new developments on the subject from either Con
    or Ingo...

    Greetings from a worried scheduler tester.

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