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SubjectRe: [2.4.21]: nbd ksymoops-report
Paul Clements wrote:

>On Thu, 7 Aug 2003, Bernd Schubert wrote:
>>every time when nbd-client disconnects a nbd-device the decoded oops
>>from below will happen.
>>This only happens after we upgraded from 2.4.20 to 2.4.21,
>>so I guess the backported update from 2.5.50 causes this.
>Yes, it's definitely related to this...
>>Aug 6 17:24:31 goedel kernel: Process nbd-client (pid: 650, stackpage=d61a5000)
>Are you using the v2.0 nbd-client from
>>Code; d89e2be7 <[nbd]nbd_ioctl+353/480>
>>00000000 <_EIP>:
>>Code; d89e2be7 <[nbd]nbd_ioctl+353/480> <=====
>> 0: 8b 50 08 mov 0x8(%eax),%edx <=====
>>Code; d89e2bea <[nbd]nbd_ioctl+356/480>
>> 3: 6a 03 push $0x3
>>Code; d89e2bec <[nbd]nbd_ioctl+358/480>
>> 5: 50 push %eax
>>Code; d89e2bed <[nbd]nbd_ioctl+359/480>
>> 6: 8b 42 28 mov 0x28(%edx),%eax
>>Code; d89e2bf0 <[nbd]nbd_ioctl+35c/480>
>> 9: ff d0 call *%eax
>This corresponds to the following source:
>lo->sock->ops->shutdown(lo->sock, SEND_SHUTDOWN|RCV_SHUTDOWN);
>Somehow, lo->sock is NULL here. The only way I see that this could
>happen is if NBD_CLEAR_SOCK got called out of order (or you're
>using some non-standard nbd-client).
The out-of-order problem is due to "nbd-client -d" (the disconnect
thread) winning a race with "nbd-client" and setting sock = NULL after
nbd_do_it returned and before NBD_DO_IT gets into its down'd region and
calls shutdown. This was the hazardous race that I was having a hard
time remembering and explaining before that also needed locking for.

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