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SubjectRe: Newbie debugging question
> Hi,
> I've been searching the net for quite some time now without success so I
> decided to ask the professionals. I'm looking for kernelhacker newbie
> friendly documentation on how to figure out a little more about a kernel
> lockup to be able to give the developer of a device driver some more info.

I suggest asking on the kernelnewbies mailing list (see
Also, some people started on this web page, but it's only a beginning:

> The problem is that after a while the machine locks up with Caps Lock and
> Scroll lock blinking. I don't see any logs and no messages on the console. I
> found some posts describing similar events and it was said that the kernel
> is not completely dead in this state. Is there a way to get some more
> information? Where should I start reading.
> Please CC me since I'm not subscribed.

What kernel version? That would have some effects on the answer.

Serial console is the usual option/route. If it boots completely,
you could also try netconsole (or, dare I say it, usb console).
Or LKCD (, or kmsgdump (2.5.75/2.6.0 at


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