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SubjectRe: [PATCH] O13int for interactivity

Con Kolivas wrote:

>On Tue, 5 Aug 2003 21:03, Nick Piggin wrote:
>>Con Kolivas wrote:
>>>Then it takes longer to become interactive. Take 2.6.0-test2 vanilla -
>>>audio apps can take up to a minute to be seen as fully interactive;
>>>whether this is a problem for your hardware or not is another matter but
>>>clearly they are interactive using <1% cpu time on the whole.
>>I think this is a big problem, a minute is much too long. I guess its
>>taking this long to build up because X needs a great deal of inertia
>>so that it can stay in a highly interactive state right?
>>If so then it seems the interactivity estimator does not have enough
>>information to work properly for X. In which case maybe X needs to be
>>reniced, or backboosted, or have _something_ done to help out.
>Well we're in agreement there. That's what all this work I've done is about.
>You'll see I've not been just tweaking numbers.

I know you haven't been just tweaking numbers ;) But in the case of the
patch that provides different behaviour depending on whether a sleep is
interruptible or not really smelt of papering over symptoms. Now it might
be that nothing better can be done without move invasive changes, but I
just thought I'd voice my concerns.

Oh, and remember that your desktop load is devoid of make -j big compiles,
so that is not a requisite for good interactivity.

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