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SubjectRe: USB Mouse oddity with 2.6.0-test2-mm4 + 013int
Greg KH wrote:

>On Mon, Aug 04, 2003 at 05:39:30PM -0400, David T Hollis wrote:
>>I just went to 2.6.0-test2-mm4 with Con's 012/013 interactivity patches
>>(from 2.6.0-test2-mm2) on my laptop and I'm now having an odd time with
>>my USB mouse. After a short period of time (5 minutes or less), it
>>stops working entirely. If I remove the usbmouse module and reload it,
>>I get it back. There is nothing in my logs or dmesg output stating any
>>kind of problem. Is anyone else seeing this problem? Anyone happen to
>>know where the problem may lie?
>Don't use the usbmouse module, use the hid module instead.
>But that should not really cause this problem. Can you enable
>CONFIG_USB_DEBUG to see if anything else shows up in your logs?
>Oh, and does this also happen with 2.6.0-test2?
>greg k-h
It worked fine under 2.6.0-test2-mm2 and 2.6.0-test2-mm1. With some
further investigating, it seems that usbmouse is not loaded at startup,
just hid. Following your suggestion, I removed both and just loaded hid
and the mouse works ok, for a short period of time. Eventually it stops
and I have to rmmod hid and reload load it. Sometimes I get a decent
amount of time (maybe 30 minutes or so) before it sticks. I'm turning
on USB_DEBUG and will rebuild to see if I get any more helpful info.

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