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SubjectRe: [PATCH] O13int for interactivity
At 02:07 AM 8/5/2003 +1000, Con Kolivas wrote:

>The _major_ change in this patch is that tasks on uninterruptible sleep do
>earn any sleep avg during that sleep; it is not voluntary sleep so they
>not get it. This has the effect of stopping cpu hogs from gaining dynamic
>priority during periods of heavy I/O. Very good for the jerks you may
>see in X or audio skips when you start a whole swag of disk intensive cpu
>(eg make -j large number). I've simply dropped all their sleep_avg, but
>weighting it may be more appropriate. This has the side effect that pure
>disk tasks (eg cp) have relatively low priority which is why weighting may
>be better. We shall see.

IMHO, absolute cut off is a very bad idea (btdt, and it _sucked rocks_).

The last thing in the world you want to do is to remove differentiation
between tasks... try to classify them and make them all the same within
their class. For grins, take away all remaining differentiation, and run a
hefty parallel make.


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