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SubjectRe: bandwidth for (good news)
On Sun, Aug 31, 2003 at 03:56:39PM -0700, Larry McVoy wrote:
> Yet you keep insisting it will work. Why? What is the theory that says
> you can keep the other end of the T1 line from being congested when you
> don't have control over that router? And that router has several 100Mbit

it's absolutely trivial, your end only needs to drop 99% of your
outgoing acks and their incoming packets for every connection but voip
while you are at the phone, you won't kill the connections but everybody
but your voip will work. the exponential backoff and sstrash on the
other and will rate limit everything immediatly.

you will definitely control the other end.

Anyways, I was only trying to help, I know how it works, it works
perfectly for me, and the reason everything makes perfect sense is that
this directory exists in Alan's tree too:


All assuming you're not under attack, if that's the case you should
contact your ISP since that's unfixable on your end.

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