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SubjectRe: issues with any ac sources, and 2.6
I got one of those in my office running 2.4.21-ac.  It runs well. Do you want 
to try my kernel? Those boards are real sensitive to ESD and constantly
loose their BIOS values if you swap a board out or pull a cable. I had one
that refused to boot on me today and I just pulled and reseated the PCI cards
and it came back to life.

On Sunday 03 August 2003 04:56 pm, John Bradford wrote:
> > i run a tyan tiger s2462 board with dual athlons, with the gentoo
> > flavor on it, recently i tried to run the ac sourcess kernel on this
> > machine, however upon boot the machine would just freeze up in the
> > middle of kernel boot, either dying while attaching ide's to devices
> > or while detecting the ide chipset, the odd part to this is that
> > using generic linux sources the machine boots just fine the other
> > issue seems to be that using the 2.6-beta versions it panic.
> > it does so by telling me that i have corrupt cpu context and then
> > panics, there are no hints or warning as to what it could be any
> > help would be greatly appreciated
> For the AC kernels, try backing out just the IDE patches, and see if
> that allows you to boot.
> For 2.6, does the machine finish booting, and then panic, or does it
> panic during the boot? Did you try any of the 2.5 kernels, or did you
> start with 2.6? If it panics during boot, does it always panic at the
> same place, and if so where? Posting the boot time output of dmesg,
> and lspci -vvv would be helpful here.
> John.
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Joe Briggs
Briggs Media Systems
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