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SubjectRe: Lockless file reading
On Thursday, Aug 28, 2003, at 15:01 Europe/Helsinki, Jamie Lokier wrote:

> This is what happens: the writing CPU writes "1", "2" in order. The
> reading CPU reads bytes 1, 3 before the writes are
> observed and bytes 0, 2 after. The CPU can do this.
> The kernel doesn't prevent this, because it doesn't hold any exclusive
> lock between the writer and reader during the data transfers.
> Furthermore the kernel transfers a byte at a time, on some
> architecture (including x86), if any buffer is not aligned.

Thanks, this was the kind of information I wanted to know. I assumed
there were exclusive writer locks and such.

I think I've finally decided what to do. Mostly due to realization that
the most problematic part was actually not a problem at all since it
required locking anyway. :) Here's the summary and then I'll shut up

This was about index files for mailboxes. I had already written support
for maildir, but mbox support was where I got stuck. I needed four kind
of file updates:

1) File offset pointers (linked list). These are set only once, never
modified. Originally I used lowest bit to specify that the offset was
"used". I first wrote them without the bit, fsync, then the bit.
Apparently this isn't enough then, so I'll change all 4 bytes to
contain the used-bit. This gives 28bit number, but I can deal with 8
byte alignments so maximum file size is 2GB which is enough.

2) mbox message offsets. These change when messages are deleted or
sometimes with flag changes. But the mbox file has to be locked for
reading anyway if I want to use these offsets, so there's no way
someone is updating them at the same time.

3) Index summary. Total number of message count, unread message count,
etc. There's not many fields here, so I could try different kinds of
ideas here.. One that at least works is to keep them in separate file
and update it with rename().

4) Flag fields. There aren't mutually exclusive flag changes, so it
doesn't matter if I read some of the changes partially.

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